This website belongs to Distribuciones Calzado Banyoles, s.l., hereinafter Castañer, a commercial entity incorporated under the Spanish Constitution, with registered office at C / Menuts, 28 17820 Banyoles (Girona), registered in the Commercial Register of Girona, volume 1269, folio 173, page 21554, entry 2, with CIF B50667823.
Castañer also puts at your disposal the following e-mail address, where you can send your requests, questions or complaints:
The general terms and conditions apply only to purchases of products made through the web and, therefore, do not apply in case of purchases of products from third parties or physical stores.
The purchase of products offered through the website implies the acceptance of the terms and conditions of the general terms and conditions of business so, before accepting them, please read them carefully. If you do not accept the general contracting conditions, the purchase of the products will not be carried out, therefore, it will not imply any obligation or responsibility on the part of Castañer.
Castañer reserves the right to modify the content and / or scope of the general conditions of contract at any time, in which case, you will be duly notified.
Castañer is responsible for the processing of your data, and will treat them in accordance with the following:
3.1 Purposes
- Manage the sale of products purchased through the web.
- Sending informative communications about Castañer, possible offers and new products of the brand by email, SMS or phone.
3.2 Legitimation
The legal basis for the processing of data is your consent.
In the web forms it will be necessary that you fill in the fields marked as "required". If you do not provide all the personal data required, we may be unable to carry out your purchase or to send you informative communications. We need you to provide us with your current and correct personal data so that the information is up to date and error-free.
3.3 Retention
We will keep your personal data for the legal period provided for by current legislation (especially in tax and accounting matters).
3.4 Recipients
We will communicate your data to financial institutions, payment platforms and courier companies provided in the purchase procedure for the management of payment and delivery of products and, where appropriate, to public administrations in accordance with current regulations.
3.5 Rights
You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, portability and opposition to the processing of your data by sending an email to If you do not receive a satisfactory response or would like more information regarding any of your rights, you can go to the Spanish data protection agency at the following link .
3.6 Security measures
We have implemented technical and organizational security measures to ensure the security of your personal data and avoid its alteration, loss, treatment and unauthorized access.
All intellectual property rights, designs, databases, underlying order programs, including source codes, as well as the various elements that make up the website: text, graphics, photographs, videos, sound recordings, color combinations, the "contents", its structure, selection and order, are owned by Castañer or, where appropriate, its licensors.
The distinctive signs included in the website are owned by Castañer or its licensors. Likewise, the domain name in which the web is hosted is owned by Castañer.
It is expressly forbidden to the user the reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available, extraction and / or any other form of dissemination not expressly authorized the web, its contents and / or distinctive signs and domain names owned by Castañer.
The unauthorized use of the contents, as well as the damages caused to the intellectual and industrial property rights of Castañer, may give rise to the exercise of the actions that legally correspond to it and to the responsibilities derived from them.
So much the access to the web as the use that could be done of any information that it contains, are realized under the exclusive responsibility of the user.
Castañer will not be responsible, under any circumstances, in any of the following cases:
- For any damages and / or damages that may arise, directly or indirectly, from access to or use of the information contained on the website and, especially, that information relating to third parties other than Castañer, including, but not limited to, those caused by the introduction of viruses and / or computer attacks.
- For any damages and / or damages that may be suffered by users for improper use of the web or the falls, interruptions, absence and / or defect in communications.
- For any damage and/or harm to the user's software or hardware resulting from access to the website.
- For any infringement of the web, or any of its elements, committed by an entity other than Castañer.
- For any infringement arising from a use of the website that does not comply with the terms and conditions permitted in accordance with the general conditions of access and use and any others that may be applicable.
- For any incident, suspension, interruption or fall of the Internet that prevents the availability and / or continuity of access to them.
The user will be liable for damages of any kind that Castañer may suffer as a result of a breach of any of the obligations to which it is subject under the general conditions of access and use or applicable law in connection with the use of the web.
If you want to send us your comments on our website, questions, complaints or any other matter, you can do so by letter to Castañer, C/Menuts 28, 17820 Banyoles, Girona, by email to customercare@castañ, or through the contact section of the Web.
In addition, we have official Complaint Sheets at your disposal, which can be submitted at the postal address and email address above or in any of our physical stores. You can request them here: Download official complaint forms.
The Customer Service Department will respond to your complaint as soon as possible and in any case, within a maximum period of one month. In case your request is not satisfactorily resolved, you can go to the ordinary jurisdiction or process your claim through the website, which will provide free of charge a single point of access for out-of-court resolution.